Hello World...

So here it is, my first post on my new blog.

It's been a while. Those of you that know me from years gone by, you will know I used to be big on my blogging. Loved nothing more than working out a technical challenge, documenting it, and sharing the hell out of it on Twitter. However, life changed.

The old site used to be deep technical posts on how to automate Hyper-V environments, aimed at service providers running their own 'clouds'. As i've moved more into strategy and consulting, my hands on technical skills would make rather boring posts nowadays.

So with this new blog, you will find a raft of different posts. Technical theme, but aimed at strategy definition, ramblings from my consulting gigs and probably alot on home automation.

I hope you enjoy it...

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Paul Sanders

Hi, I'm Paul Sanders, and I'm from Manchester, UK. After many years working in the IT consultancy industry, I decided to setup on my own. Now an independent strategy consultant.
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