My home automation kit

I've loved the idea of automation for years now. Way back in my early career, I became obsessed with doing everything via script, so I could sit back and make it look like I was really busy. It didn't quite go like that, as I spent most of my time troubleshooting my scripts! Any way, I digress.

Home automation has always been a passion, where I originally deployed LinuxMCE and had it do some very basic sound control. As I have grown up, the technology has improved and I finally own a house... i've got more and more into it. Therefore, I will use this post as a list of the kit I use, and will hopefully drop some more detailed post on each component. So watch this space.

Wifi: Ubiquiti
Smart Speaker: Google Home
Smart Lights: Philips Hue
Whole House Audio: Sonos
Thermostats: Google Nest
Cameras: Google Nest

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Paul Sanders

Hi, I'm Paul Sanders, and I'm from Manchester, UK. After many years working in the IT consultancy industry, I decided to setup on my own. Now an independent strategy consultant.
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